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Elizabeth 2

Departure Date Days Voyage


Queen Elizabeth 2 Cruise Around the World
January 5  2004 42 - New York to Sydney
January 5  2004 62 - New York to Hong Kong

Caribbean, Panama Canal & Mexican Riviera

January 5  2004 14 - New York to Los Angeles
January 5  2004 19 - New York to Honolulu
Cruise Around the World
January 5  2004 104 - New York to Southampton
January 5  2004 91 - New York to Cape Town
Queen Elizabeth 2 January 5  2004 110 - New York to New York
January 7  2004 108 - Fort Lauderdale to New York

Caribbean, Panama Canal & Mexican Riviera

January 7  2004 12 - Fort Lauderdale to Los Angeles
Australia, New Zealand & Tahiti
January 19  2004 18 - Los Angeles to Auckland
January 19  2004 29 - Los Angeles to Sydney
Queen Elizabeth 2 Cruise Around the World
January 19  2004 96 - Los Angeles to New York
January 19 2004 90 - Los Angeles to Southampton
January 19 2004 48 - Los Angeles to Hong Kong
January 19  2004 77 - Los Angeles to Cape Town
Queen Elizabeth 2 January 19  2004 12 - Los Angeles to Lautoka
Australia, New Zealand & Tahiti
February 6  2004 11 - Auckland to Sydney
Africa, Asia & Far East
February 17  2004 20 - Sydney to Hong Kong
February 17  2004 49 - Sydney to Cape Town
Queen Elizabeth 2 Cruise Around the World
February 17  2004 62 - Sydney to Southampton
February 17  2004 68 - Sydney to New York
March 8  2004 42 -

Hong Kong to Southampton

March 8  2004 48 - Hong Kong to New York
Africa, Asia & Far East
March 8  2004 8 - Hong Kong to Singapore
March 8  2004 29 - Hong Kong to Cape Town
Queen Elizabeth 2 March 16  2004 21 - Singapore to Cape Town
April 6  2004 13 - Cape Town to Southampton
April 6  2004 19 - Cape Town to New York
April 19  2004 6 - Southampton to New York
Queen Elizabeth 2 April 25  2004 6 - New York to Southampton
Baltic Sea Northern Europe
May 22  2004 7 - Southampton to Southampton
May 29 2004 7 - Southampton to Southampton
June 5  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
June 19  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
Mediterranean Sea
Queen Elizabeth 2 July 3  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
July 17  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
July 31  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
Baltic Sea Northern Europe
August 14  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
August 28  2004 7 - Southampton to Southampton
Queen Elizabeth 2 Mediterranean Sea
September 4  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
September 18  2004 14 - Southampton to Southampton
October 2  2004 19 -

Southampton to Southampton

October 21  2004 9 - Southampton to Southampton
Queen Elizabeth 2 November 2  2004 12 - Southampton to Southampton
November 14  2004 31 - Southampton to Southampton
December 15  2004 6 - Southampton to New York
December 21  2004 13 - New York to New York
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